

Professor Emeritus

Department of Computing Science
Thompson Rivers University
Kamloops, B.C., Canada, V2C 0C8

Email address: sdhanjal@tru.ca, Phone: (250) 828-5153, Fax: (250) 371-5675


  • Ph.D. (Computer Science), Thapar University, India, 2014
  • Ph.D. (Literature), Guru Nanak Dev University, India, 2005
  • M.Sc.(Computation), McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, 1988
  • M.A.Sc.(Electrical Eng.), University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada. 1980
  • B.Sc.Eng.(Electrical Eng.), Panjab University, India, 1971
  • Honours in Panjabi, Panjab University Medalist, 1970



  • Ph.D. (Computer Science) / (Supervisor: Dr. Satvinder Singh Bhatia): “Speech Analysis and Synthesis of the Punjabi Language”
  • Ph.D. (Literature) / (Supervisor: Dr. S. P. Singh): “North American Punjabi Poetry: Modern Sensibility”
  • M.Sc.(Computation) / (Supervisor: Dr. D. J. Kenworthy): “Numerical Methods: An Interactive Integrated System”
  • M.A.Sc.(Electrical Eng.) / (Supervisor: Dr. M. Shridhar):
    “Linear Prediction Analysis/Synthesis & Noise Cancellation Techniques in Speech Signals”


  1. Surinder Dhanjal & Satvinder Singh Bhatia, “Punjabi Speech Processing: LP Analysis and Synthesis”, Global Journal on Technology, Academic World Education & Research Centre, Turkey, Issue 7 (2015), pp 85-91
  2. Surinder Dhanjal & Satvinder Singh Bhatia, “PUNJARPAbet: A New Phonetic Alphabet for Speech Processing in the Punjabi Language”, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers (June 2014)
  3. Surinder Dhanjal & Satvinder Singh Bhatia, “Punjabi Speech Processing: LP Analysis and Synthesis”, World Conference on Innovation and Computer Sciences (INSODE 2014), Rome, Italy, April 11-13, 2014
  4. Surinder Dhanjal & Satvinder Singh Bhatia, “Computerization of the Punjabi Language: L.P. Analysis and Synthesis”, PARKH (biannual Journal), Panjab University, India, accepted for publication (July-December 2013)
  5. Surinder Dhanjal & Satvinder Singh Bhatia, “Development of a Standard Text and Speech Corpus for the Punjabi Language”, International O-COCOSDA/CASLRE-2013, India Nov 25-27, 2013, IEEE Xplore DOI: 10.1109/ICSDA.2013.6709891, Included in Govt. of India TDIL Data Centre portal.
  6. Surinder Dhanjal & Satvinder Singh Bhatia, “A New Corpus for the Punjabi Speech Processing”, International Symposium on Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music (FRSM-2012), India
  7. Surinder Dhanjal & Satvinder Singh Bhatia, “Computerization of the Punjabi Language”, 2nd World Punjabi Conference; Punjab University, India, Feb 24-25, 2009
  8. Surinder Dhanjal & Satvinder Singh Bhatia, “Punjabi Bhasha da Takneekee Bhavikh (Technical Future of the Punjabi Language)”; published in hard cover text “Punjabi Bhasha, Sahit Te Sabhyachar: Samkall Atey Bhawikh” (editor: Dhanwant Kaur), Punjabi University, Patiala, ISBN: 81-302-0177-1, 2010, pp. 218-238
  9. Surinder Dhanjal & Satvinder Singh Bhatia, “Punjabi Bhasha da Takneekee Bhavikh (Technical Future of the Punjabi Language)”; Silver-Jubilee International Punjabi Development Conference, Punjabi University, Patiala, Feb 3-5, 2009
  10. Surinder Dhanjal & Youry Khmelevsky, “Information Security, Data Protection & Computer Science Education”, International Conference on IT Cognizance 2007, CIIS, India
  11. Surinder Dhanjal& Youry Khmelevsky, “Information Security & Data Protection in Computer Science Education”, WCCCE-2007
  12. Surinder Dhanjal, Youry Khmelevsky & Michael Govorov, “Security Solutions for Geographical Storage Systems”, Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers (WDCAG2006) Conference,TRU Kamloops, 2006
  13. Surinder Dhanjal, Youry Khmelevsky, Michael Govorov, Vasiliy A. Ustymenko & P. N. Sharma, “Security Solutions for Spatial Data in Storage (Implementation Case within Oracle 9iAS)”, 8th World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics & Informatics (SCI2004), Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., July 18-21, 2004
  14. Surinder Dhanjal & Youry Khmelevsky, “Computing Science & Information Technology with E-Business Orientation”, 8th World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics & Informatics (SCI2004), Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., July 18-21, 2004
  15. Surinder Dhanjal & Youry Khmelevsky, “E-Business Technology education: a preliminary model”, First International Conference on The Internet Society: Advances in Learning, Commerce and Security (formerly E-Business 2004), Skiathos, Greece, May 12-14, 2004 (published in hard back by WIT Press UK 2004, ISBN: 1-85312-712-4)
  16. P. N. Sharma, M. Govorov, Y. Khmelevsky & Surinder Dhanjal, “Oracle 9iAS Portal as a platform for Geographic Information Science distance and flexible learning at the University of the South Pacific”, First International Conference on The Internet Society: Advances in Learning, Commerce and Security (formerly E-Business 2004), Skiathos, Greece, May 12-14, 2004
  17. Surinder Dhanjal & Mila Kwiatkowska, “Women in Computing Science: Perceptions of Computing Science among Female Students in High Schools and Colleges”, Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education (WCCCE-03), Courtenay, B.C., Canada, May 2003
  18. Surinder Dhanjal & Mila Kwiatkowska, “An Examination of Time Requirements for Course Preparations in Computing Science”, Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education (WCCCE-02), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, May 2002
  19. Surinder Dhanjal, “Artificial Neural Networks in Speech Processing: Problems & Challenges”, IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers & Signal Processing (PACRIM-01), Victoria, B.C., Canada, August 2001
  20. R. Paweska, R. Brouwer, Surinder Dhanjal & W. Babinchuk, “Meeting the Modern Challenge – Integrating Computing Science Undergraduate Education at the University College of the Cariboo”, Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education (WCCCE-99), Kelowna, B.C., Canada, May 1999
  21. Surinder Dhanjal, “OSLP: A New Technique in Linear Prediction of Speech”, IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers & Signal Processing (PACRIM-97), Victoria, B.C., Canada, August 1997
  22. Surinder Dhanjal, “A New Technique in L.P. Analysis/Synthesis of Speech: OSLP”, International Conference on Signal Processing Applications & Technology (ICSPAT-96), Boston, MA, U.S.A., October 1996
  23. Surinder Dhanjal, “Noise Cancellation Techniques in Speech Signals (DLPNC)”, Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (CCECE-93), Vancouver, B.C., Canada, September 1993
  24. Surinder Dhanjal, “Delayed Linear Prediction Noise Cancellation (DLPNC) in Speech Signals”, Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (CCECE-92), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 1992
  25. Surinder Dhanjal & M. Shridhar, “Odd Sample Linear Prediction Analysis/Synthesis of Speech”, International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Florence, Italy, September 1981

Conferences Chaired:

  • Organized & chaired the 12th Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education (WCCCE-07), hosted by the Dept of Computing Science & the CIST Dept, TRU Kamloops, B.C., Canada, May 3-5, 2007
  • Edited the WCCCE-07 Conference Proceedings (200 pages)
  • Chairperson, WCCCE Steering Committee (2007-present)
  • Wrote prefaces of ALL the WCCCE proceedings (2007-present)
  • Introduced several keynote speakers (including Bjarne Stroustrup, the designer and original implementor of C++) at WCCCE

Conference Sessions Chaired:

  • 17th Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education (WCCCE-12), UBC Vancouver, B.C., Canada, May 4-5, 2012
  • 15th Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education (WCCCE-10), UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, B.C., Canada, May 7-8, 2010
  • Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers (WDCAG 2006 conference), Dept. of Geography, TRU Kamloops, B.C., Canada, March 10-11, 2006
  • First International Conference on The Internet Society: Advances in Learning, Commerce and Security (formerly E-Business 2004), Skiathos, Greece, May 2004, Chaired session 6: The Evaluation of New Learning Systems
  • IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers & Signal Processing (PACRIM-01), (University of Victoria, B.C., Canada), August 2001, Chaired session TP9: Speech


  1. Invited Lecture: “Computer Analysis and Synthesis of the Punjabi Language”, Computer Science & Technology Lecture Series, Vancouver Island University Nanaimo, B.C., Canada presentation on January 15, 2013
  2. Invited Lecture: “Digital Speech Processing of English and Punjabi”, Computer Science Colloquium Series, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, B.C., Canada presentation on October 11, 2011
  3. Invited Lecture: “Computer Analysis and Synthesis of the Punjabi Language”, South Asian Lecture Series (Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies), University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, B.C., Canada presentation on November 8, 2010
  4. Invited Lecture: “Digital Speech Processing: Problems & Challenges”, Mathematics, Statistics and Physics Unit Colloquium Series, UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, B.C., Canada presentation on November 18, 2009
  5. Invited Lecture: “Language, Culture & Computer”, Multani Mal Modi College Patiala (Punjabi University, Patiala, India) presentation on February 20, 2009
  6. Invited Presentation: “Computing Science Education in Canadian Colleges & Universities”, ASSM College Mukandpur (Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India) presentation on August 5, 2008
  7. Invited Lecture: “Digital Speech Processing”, Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS), Kamloops Chapter presentation on March 13, 2008
  8. “Computing Science Teaching & Research at TRU”, Canadian Institute for International Studies (CIIS), Jalverha, India presentation on July 18-19, 2007
  9. “Computing Science, Engineering & the Punjabi Speech Processing”, University Computing Science Teachers Refresher Course, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala, India presentation, December 2006
  10. “Computer Science, Networking & World Punjabi Centre”, Punjabi University, Patiala, India presentation, December 2006
  11. “Digital Speech Processing”, School of Mathematics & Computer Applications, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala, India presentation on August 16, 2005
  12. “Is Postmodernism any ‘ism’ at all?” University Teachers Refresher Course, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India presentation on May 6, 2005
  13. “Computer Science & Information Technology with E-Business Orientation”, Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India presentation, July 30, 2004
  14. “Artificial Neural Networks in Speech Processing”, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada presentation, August 6, 1996
  15. “New Techniques in Linear Prediction Analysis/Synthesis of Speech Signals”, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada presentation, April 4, 1996
  16. “Numerical Methods: A New Interactive Integrated Software System”, Department of Computer Science & Systems, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada presentation, August 1988
  17. “Linear Prediction Analysis/Synthesis of Speech Signals”, Bell Northern Research, Montreal, Quebec, Canada presentation, January 1981

Visiting Positions / Fellowships:

  • Visiting Scientist, Kamrah International Institute of Technology (KIIT), Gurgaon, India, Feb-June 2013
  • Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Jan-Aug, 1996
  • Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Windsor, Ontario, May-Aug 1996
  • University of British Columbia Summer Science Fellowship, Vancouver, B.C., 1993 & 1992


Courses Taught at Thompson Rivers University (August 1989 – 2016):

  1. COMP 3410 : Operating Systems
  2. COMP 3050 : Algorithm Design & Analysis
  3. COMP 4980 : Professional & Ethical Issues in Comp Science
  4. COMP 1520: Principles of Software Development
  5. COMP 100 : Introduction to Information Technology (7 times)
  6. COMP 113 : Computer Programming I (10 times)
  7. COMP 123 : Computer Programming II (4 times)
  8. COMP 132 : Computer Applications in Forestry (7 times)
  9. COMP 135 : Introduction to Computing for NRSC (once)
  10. COMP 155 : Introduction to Computing for CADD (once)
  11. COMP 170 : Introduction to Computing for Humanities(once)
  12. COMP 177 : Microcomputer Applications I (twice)
  13. COMP 187 : Microcomputer Applications II (4 times)
  14. COMP 191 : Introduction to Computers & Business Information Systems (4 times)
  15. COMP 213 : Introduction to Computer Systems (6 times)
  16. COMP 220 : Introduction to Discrete Structures (3 times)
  17. CPSC 302 : Numerical Computation for Algebraic Problems (4 times)
  18. CPSC 303 : Numerical Approximation & Discretization (4 times)
  19. COMP 311 : Models of Computation (twice)
  20. COMP 312 : Programming Languages (3 times)
  21. COMP 341 : Operating Systems (twice)
  22. MATH 140 : Calculus for Commerce & the Social Sciences (once)
  23. MATH 164 : Technical Mathematics II (once)

Courses Taught at the University of Alberta (August 1985 – April 1989)

  1. ENCMP 200 : Computer Programming for Engineers (8 times)
  2. CMPUT 215 : Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis (once)
  3. CMPUT 300 : Problem Solving & Programming (twice)
  4. CMPUT 335 : Computer Organization & Architecture (twice)
  5. CMPUT 351 : Elements of Programming I (once)
  6. CMPUT 418 : Numerical Analysis I (once)
  7. CMPUT 419 : Numerical Analysis II (once)
  8. CMPUT 440 : Introduction to Numerical Methods (3 times)
  9. CMPUT 441 : Numerical Software (once)

Programming Languages Taught

C++, C, Assembly, Pascal/Turbo Pascal, Modula-2, FORTRAN77, GPSS, SIMULA-67, PROLOG, Scheme, Java


  • Assistant Professor (Computing Science, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops), 2000-present
  • Instructor (Computing Science, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops), 1989-2000
  • Assistant Professor (Computing Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton), 1985-89
  • Plant Process Control Engineer (Procter & Gamble, Grande Prairie, Alberta)
  • Design Manager (Procter & Gamble, Grande Prairie, Alberta)
  • Research Assistant (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Windsor)
  • Mine Surveyor (Granduc Copper Mines, Stewart, B.C.)
  • Electrical Engineer (Jindal Electricals, India)


  • Professional Engineer [Member, Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, & Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA), Canada]
  • Member, Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS)
  • Member, Canadian Society for Electrical & Computer Engineering (CSECE)
  • Member, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), U.S.A.
  • Member, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), U.S.A.
  • Member, IEEE Signal Processing Society, U.S.A.
  • Member, IEEE Computer Society, U.S.A.


Books Published (Panjabi Poetry & Criticism):

  1. SOORJAN DE HUMSAFAR (Companions of the Suns), Poetry, 1972
  2. TINN KON (Three Angles), Poetry, 1979: This book (coauthored with two other Canadian Panjabi poets) has been prescribed as a text book for graduate students at Delhi University.
  3. ZAKHMAN DEE FASAL (The Crop of Wounds), Poetry, 1985
  4. PASH DEE YAAD VICH DUS KAVITAVAN (Ten Poems Dedicated to PASH), Poetry, 1991
  5. NATAK, RUNGMUNCH, ATAMJIT ATEY KAMLOOPS DIAN MACHHIAN (Play, Theatre, Atamjit & The Fish of Kamloops), Criticism, 1998
  6. PASH TA(N) SOORAJ SI (Pash was the Sun), Poetry (Co-Editor), September 2007
  7. KAVITA DEE LAAT (Flame of Poetry), Poetry, 2011


  • Member, The Writers’ Union of Canada (1996 – present)
  • Member, The Shuswap Association of Writers (2010 – present)
  • Founder Convenor, Pash Memorial International Trust (1988 – present)
  • Founder General Secretary, Watno Dur Art Foundation (Theatre Group), Vancouver (1974)
  • Founder General Secretary, Punjabi Literary Association (now: Punjabi Writers’ Forum), Vancouver (1973)
  • Founder General Secretary, Punjab Cultural Association, Vancouver (1972)


    Founder Editor, WATNO DUR (Far from the Motherland), Vancouver/Edmonton, started: July 1973 (last issue: April 86)


  • directed the first Panjabi Play of Canada “Teejee pass”, Vancouver, December 1972
  • directed the first Panjabi Play of Alberta “Inquilab Zindabaad”, Grande Prairie, March 1984

Poetry Readings (Stage, Radio, TV):

  • Canada: Kamloops, Vancouver, Surrey, Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, Windsor, London, Grande Prairie, Williams Lake, Kelowna, Prince George,Vernon
  • U.S.A.: Detroit, New York, Baltimore, Berkeley, San Jose, Bakersfield, Hayward, Newark, Sunnyvale
  • India: Delhi, Dehradun, Amritsar, Chandigarh, Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Barnala, Patiala, Mansa, Sirsa, Mullanpur, Samana, Lohian Khas, Balachaur, Raisar, Nawanshahar, Khatkar Kalan, Gurdaspur, Moga, Shahkot, Mukandpur, Bhatinda, Nakodar
  • U.K.: Southall, Coventry, Birmingham

Conference Sessions Chaired:

  • 17th Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education (WCCCE-12), UBC Vancouver, B.C., Canada, May 4-5, 2012
  • 15th Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education (WCCCE-10), UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, B.C., Canada, May 7-8, 2010
  • Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers (WDCAG 2006 conference), Dept. of Geography, TRU Kamloops, B.C., Canada, March 10-11, 2006
  • First International Conference on The Internet Society: Advances in Learning, Commerce and Security (formerly E-Business 2004), Skiathos, Greece, May 2004
  • IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers & Signal Processing (PACRIM-01), (University of Victoria, B.C., Canada), Aug 2001
  • Eighth Annual Punjabi Literary Conference (organized by: Punjabi Sahit Sabha California, U.S.A.), Nov 2000
  • International Literary Conference (organized by: Progressive Writers’ Assoc., Wolverhampton, U.K.), May 2000
  • Second Canadian Punjabi Literary Conference (organized by: Punjabi Writers’ Forum, Vancouver), Sept 1997
  • North American Punjabi Literary Conference (organized by: Sahit Vichar Manch, Winnipeg), July 1993
  • First Canadian Punjabi Literary Conference (organized by: Punjabi Writers’ Forum, Vancouver), Aug 1987